Thank you to everyone who was able to come out and visit us during our Open House event! It was a wonderful success and we hope to see you again soon!
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KFUO-AM officially went on the air December 14, 1924. The first broadcast originated from the attic of the old seminary building on South Jefferson in St. Louis, Missouri. Three years later, we moved to our current location on May 29, 1927.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012, marked our 85th Anniversary of Broadcasting from this historic building at 85 Founder’s Lane in Clayton, MO, making it the longest continually operating broadcast studio in the world.
During our open house on Tuesday, May 29th, listeners visited with the hosts and staff, enjoyed punch and cake, and were given tours of our historic building and museum.
Thank you for celebrating this milestone with us!

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Watch our interview with Fox2 News
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