Topics of Discussion: (1) Last Sunday after Pentecost Mark 13:32. (2) Not even Jesus knows when Judgment Day is coming. (3) Does this mean that He is not God? (4) Distinction between humiliation and exaltation.
Studio A
Topics of Discussion: (1) “Thanksgiving – More Than Turkeys and Touchdowns” with Dr. Thomas Kidd, (2)”Thanksgiving in Genesis” with Rev. Robert Portier, (3)”How Did Mitt Romney’s Mormonism Effect The 2012 Presidential Election?” with Art Vanick, and (4)”Has American Culture Lost All Sense Of Honor And Shame?” with Dr. Jay Richards.
Law and Gospel
Topics of Discussion: (1) Open Mike Friday. (2) Hymn: “The Day is surely drawing Near.” (3) Caller: John 14:12-16 “If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.”
Law and Gospel
Topics of Discussion: (1) Ruminations with Rev. Peter Kurowski. (2) Infant baptism or dedication. (3) Caller: Christ is born of water and blood. (4)Caller: Religious show question. (5) Caller: Marxsen and Joachim Jeremias.
The Bible Study – Acts 26
Paul’s defense before Agrippa; Paul tells of his conversion.