World Lutheran News for November 14, 2012.
Law and Gospel
Topics of Discussion: (1) Insight on how what we think are good works are sin. (2) Asking help from dead people. (3) Receiving bread of the Lord’s Supper. (4) Caller: Good works for our neighbor are??? (5) Caller: James 2:8-9 about showing partiality.
His Time Morning Show
Topics of Discussion: (1) Rev. Don Brand talks about on-going disaster response to Hurricane Sandy, (2) Adam Ellsworth talks about Christian Friends of New Americans, (3) Dr. Joel Dietrich talks about Families in Faith mobile app, (4) today’s biblical texts studies Matthew 26:36-56 “Jesus prays in Gethsemane” and “Jesus’ Betrayl and Arrest”, and (5) Rev. Keith Lingsch gives today’s Matins Sermonette.
Law and Gospel
Topics of Discussion: (1) Ruminations with Rev. Mark Smith. (2) Will God bless a country if it disobeys His will? (3) God does not commend or curse a country because of works? (4) Difference between sins and unbelief.
His Time Morning Show
Topics of Discussion: (1) Marty Lintvedt talks about giving praise and thanksgiving in all circumstances, (2) Sandra Ostapowich talks about the 2013 Higher Things Conference, (3) rev. Stanley Stanish talks about Hinduism and Christianity in India, (4) the biblical text for today is Matthew 26:20-35 “Institution of the Lord’s Supper” and “Jesus foretells Peter’s Denial”, and (5) Rev. Luke Schnake gives today’s Matins Sermonette.
Law and Gospel
Topics of Discussion: (1) 25th Sunday after Pentecost: Hebrews 10:11. (2) Ceremonial laws did not take away sins. (3) Colossians 2:17 Shadow of Christ. (4) 2 Timothy 3:16 that the Bible is sufficient.