Topics of Discussion: (1) “Washington Update with Congressman Shimkus, (2) “The New Definition of Freedom” with Alan Sears, (3) “Operation Snow: How a Soviet Mole in FDR’s White House Triggered Pearl Harbor” with author John Koster, and (4) “Radicals-Portrait of a Destructive Passion” with author David Horowitz.
His Time Morning Show
Topics of Discussion: (1) Michael Redman talks about the Traveling Weather Show, (2) Kelly Maher talks about National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, (3) Rev. Warren Woeth from the Creation Club talks about the NASA’s Rover “Curiosity” and what it found on Mars this past week, (4) Rev. Steven Theiss studies the Biblical text Matthew 5:1-20 “Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount”, and (5) Rev. Frank Kinast of Zion Lutheran Church in Stillwater, OK, does today’s Matins Sermonette.
Law and Gospel
Topics of Discussion: (1) Open Mike Friday, (2) More obedience = More blessings?, and (3) The theologian of self-glory regards his experience to figure out what God exists.
His Time Morning Show
Topics of Discussion: (1) Gerald Perschbacher talks about the German American Heritage Society, (2) Jane Wilke talks about Lutheran Senior Services, (3) Dr. Mike Frith, D.D.S. talks about his mission trip to Guatemala, and (4) Rev. Marcus Ring studies the biblical text Matthew 4:12-25 and give the Matins Sermonette for today.
Law and Gospel
Topics of Discussion: (1) Ruminations Thursday with Peter Kurowski, (2)
Biblical evidence for animals being in heaven, and (3) How to explain Joshua 6 and the destruction of animals and children.
His Time Morning Show
Topics of Discussion: (1) Christ Memorial Productions, (2) Controversy of “Was Jesus Married?” with guest Dr. Jeffrey Kloha, (3) Studying the biblical text Matthew 4:1-11 with Rev. Brian Holle, and Today’s Matins Sermonette with Rev. Mark Goble.
Law and Gospel
Topics of Discussion: (1) Hymn: “Triune God, Be Thou Our Stay”, (2) Caller:
How do we understand “sons of God” in Galatians 3:26-29, and (3) Caller:
Distinguish between the biological and the spiritual.