The Bible Study – Hosea Ch. 10, 11, & 12

The Lord’s Love for Israel.

His Time Morning Show

Topics of Discussion: (1) Carla Hagan talks about Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University, and (2) Rev. Greg Seltz talks about the Intersection of Church and State.

Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: (1) 17th Sunday after Pentecost readings, (2) James 4:2-3, (3) You don’t receive because you don’t ask, (4) Even when you ask you don’t receive, and (5) Context is addressed to believers or unbelievers?

The Bible Study – Hosea Ch. 8 & 9

Isreal reaps the whirlwind and the Day of Reckoning at hand.

His Time – Matins Sermonette

With Pastor Michael Henrichs of Our Savior Evangelical Lutheran Church in Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin.

Wrestling With the Basics

“Where is Jesus in the Hurricane?”

Studio A

Topics of Discussion: (1) “Christianity and Islamic Persecution”, (2) “After Tocqueville: The Promise and Failure of Democracy”, (3) Attacks on the Libyan and Egyptian Embassies”, and (4) “C.S. Lewis on Science, Scientism, and Society”.

The Bible Study – Hosea Ch. 6 & 7

Israels and Judah are Unrepentant.

Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: (1) the Difference between believing and unbelieving Jews, (2) Caller: The Apocrypha, and (3) Caller: Explain Psalms 130 from a Law&Gospel viewpoint.

His Time – Matins Sermonette

With Rev. PJ Moore of Trinity Lutheran in Gadsden, Alabama.