Morning Essentials

Topic: Hear Ruth Koch on how women are influencing demographic change in the U.S., Deb Burma discuss refreshing, restoring and recharging Lutheran women through retreats and Jan Wendorf’s thought for the week. Guest(s): Ruth Koch, Deb Burma, Jan Wendorf Audio:…

Law and Gospel

Topic: Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law and Gospel Audio: Audio File

The Bible Study — Genesis 24:66-25:11

Topic: Abrahams Death and His Descendants Guest(s): Rev. John Schmidtke, Rev. Alan Schade Audio: (NOTE: Hr. 1 Bible study is followed by Hr. 2 “Ask the Pastor,” where available) Audio File Audio File

Morning Essentials

Topic: Hear Dr. Jack Fyans on the lack of civility in public discussion, Karen Tripp’s thought for the week, Mary Burns talk about Woman’s Place for abused women and Pastor Kurt Taylor review issues in the news. Guest(s): Dr. Jack…

Law and Gospel

Topic: Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law and Gospel Audio: Audio File

The Bible Study — Genesis 23

Topic: Sarah’s Death and Burial Guest(s): Rev. Nathan Meador, Rev. Randy Asburry Audio: (NOTE: Hr. 1 Bible study is followed by Hr. 2 “Ask the Pastor,” where available) Audio File Audio File

Studio A

Topic: In hour 1, hear Pastor Nathan Meador share a review of Elaine Pagel’s new book on Revalation. In hour 2, Roland Lettner talks with guests Steven Hayward, author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Presidents: From Wilson to…

Morning Essentials

Topic: Hear Dr. Lane Burgland, Phyllis Wallace and Marty Lintvedt share their messages for the week. Guest(s): Dr. Lane Burgland, Phyllis Wallace, Marty Lintvedt Audio: Audio File Audio File

Law and Gospel

Topic: Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law and Gospel Audio: Audio File