“After The Fiscal Cliff… What’s Next?“ with guest David Harsanyi – Senior Reporter for Human Events, contributor to The Wall Street Journal, National Review, Christian Science Monitor, and the Jerusalem Post – So What’s Next Mr. President

“Why The Current Econmic System Is Doomed To Repeated Failures“ with guest Harry C. Veryser – Has served as Director of the Graduate Program in economics at the University of Detroit Mercy and chairman of Walsh College’s Department of Economics and Finance, Author – ‘It Didn’t Have to Be This Way’

It Didn’t Have to Be This Way — Why is the boom-and-bust cycle so persistent? Why did economists fail to predict the economic meltdown that began in 2007—or to pull us out of the crisis more quickly? And how can we prevent future calamities?
Mainstream economics has no adequate answers for these pressing questions. To understand how we got here, and how we can ensure prosperity, we must turn to an alternative to the dominant approach: the Austrian School of economics. (Read more…)
Hour 1 Audio:

“The Political Martin Luther” with guest Dr. Jarrett A. Carty – Instructor of Western Civilization at Concordia University Liberal Arts College in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Author, ‘Divine Kingdom, Holy Order: The Political Writings of Martin Luther’
The canon of western political theory has long misrepresented Luther’s political thought, mistaking it as a forerunner of the ‘freedom of conscience’ or the ‘separation of church and state,’ or an ancestor of modern absolutism and even German totalitarianism. These misleading interpretations neglect Luther’s central point: temporal government is a gift from God, worthy of honor and respect, independent yet complementary to the purpose and mission of the Church. Spanning Luther’s career as a reformer, the writings in this anthology will demonstrate his resolve to restore temporal government to its proper place of honor and divine purpose… (Read more…)

“The Apostle John – Epistle Writer” with guest Dr. Bruce G. Schuchard – Associate Professor of Exegetical Theology, Dean of Advanced Studies, Author ‘Concordia Commentary on 1-3 John’

These epistles represent the singular voice of an extraordinary theologian. John, the last living apostle,writes to his “children.” For decades he has served as the elder father of the house churches of Asia Minor, but during his exile, false teaching has persuaded some to abandon the faith and the life of the community of the beloved. At least one church’s leader has presumed to advance his own teaching at the expense of the apostle’s instruction. Knowing that his days are numbered, John sends a general epistle, 1 John, together with its introductory cover letter, 2 John. In order to address the errant leader’s conduct, he also sends a situation-specific, personal and pastoral addendum, 3 John. Rallying the faithful so that none would be lost to the ongoing threat of deception, John urges his children to confess by the Spirit in this last hour the man Jesus as the Son of the Father, come in the flesh in truth and love. The fulfillment of God’s historic dealings with his people of old is Jesus’ atoning sacrifice of himself. Through his shed blood, a cleansing flood, God confers the life of the age to come. (Read more…)
Hour 2 Audio :