A Special Program of
Moments of Assurance

Rev. Mark Hawkinson talks with Christian author Joan Voges and guest artist Katelyn Davidson about the LilyFields CDs, a collection of music, prayers, and meditations for listeners to find hope and encouragement.
[twocol_one]This is the first music release by Lilyfields entitled “Lift Your Eyes”. Nine inspiring songs of prayer and praise are included in this collection along with the music-only tracks to be used in live performance.[/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last]
This is the second music release by Lilyfields entitled “God Welcomes You”. Seven inspiring songs of prayer and praise are included in this collection along with the music-only tracks to be used in live performance.[/twocol_one_last]
For more information about the LilyFields CDs, visit www.lilyfields.org, or contact Joanie Harwell at (314) 505-7874.
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