SPRING BREAK: How to Unplug Your kids from Technology
With guest Dr. L. J. Fyans from the Clinical Counseling Ltd. Learn how to unplug your children from technology!

About Dr. Fyans —- Dr Leslie “Jack” Fyans Jr received his undergraduate education at Concordia University, Ann Arbor Michigan. He earned his Master’s degree and Doctors degree from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Dr. Fyans has authored books of Achievement Motivation, Generalizability Theory, and Handbook of Psychological Issues in Workers Compensation, Healthy Pastor Healthy Church book and DVD as well as DVDs for National Business Institute on School Safety and Bullying. He has published numerous articles in refereed journals and Tests In Print. His cross-cultural research on Leadership and Motivation was quoted in the GLOBE international study of 120 nations as well as cited in numerous other research on achievement theory .His research has helped in the development of the ACTERS Scale for the diagnosis of ADDHD and in 1979 presented at Princeton University the causal link between the severe effects of test anxiety on nationally standardized college and graduate entrance tests. His work on achievement patterns from such as the Decade Study has been cited by the Congressional Budget Office. Dr Fyans has lectured at major universities and seminaries and has been a lecturer and consultant to numerous institutions and corporations such as McBer Institute of Harvard University and the Rand Corporation and Metritech Inc. Since 1986, Dr Fyans has been the chief psychological consultant to the Veteran Center of Central Illinois and since 1990, a consultant to the Federal Disability System of the Social Security Administration. Since 1994, he is also an editor of the Family Counselor section of the Lutheran Witness monthly m.agazine and since 1992, has broadcast on The Morning Show of KFUO and KFUO.org of the Lutheran Church in St Louis Missouri.
Send in your family questions to Family@kfuo.org or call host Liz Hoffman at (314)505-7839 and we’ll address them on Friday’s show!
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