Topics of Discussion: (1) Insights on pro evidential apologetics. (2) What is reasonable? (3) Rick Warren’s son on suicide.
Money Management: Jim Dankenbring talks about Financial Planning, Wills, and Trusts.
The Bible Study – Luke 19:28-44
Luke 19:28-44 — “Jesus Comes to Jerusalem as King” with guest Rev. John Shank of Trinity Lutheran Church in Edwardsville, Illinois.
His Time Morning Show
Topics of Discussion: (1) Deaconess Cathy Benzler and Dr. John Loum talk about the Ethnic Immigrant Institute of Theology (EIIT), (2) Rev. Brian Holle of Messiah Lutheran Church in Lebanon, Illinois takes a look at Luke 5:1-16 “Jesus Calls His First Disciples”, and (3) Rev. Holle gives today’s Matins sermonette.