WLN Digest Minute

World Lutheran News for June 07, 2013.

Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: (1) Open Mike. (2) Franzmann hymn “O God, O Lord Of Heaven and Earth.” (3) Caller: James book problem solved by thief on the cross or conversion of St. Paul.


Fun in the Sun: Fun-cations with guest Rev. Charles Wildner.

The Bible Study – Philippians 1:18b-26

Philippians 1:18-26 — “To Live is Christ (part 1)” with guest Rev. Tim Engel of Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Portage, Indiana.

His Time Morning Show

Topics of Discussion: (1) Karen Scuito talks about the Lutheran Association for Special Education, (2) Rev. Warren Woerth talks on the Creation Club, and (3) Rev. Rev. Lane Burgland takes a look at John 12:1-19 “Jesus Annointed at Bethany”, and he gives today’s sermonette.