Parents and Children
What is “vocation”? And what does it have to do with being a family?

Pastor Chad Hoover, author of Lutheran Spirituality: Vocation and pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Kalaska, Michigan, explains that vocation is more than an occupation. It is our calling as parents, spouses, and children.
About the Book — Spirituality is a common term today, but what does it mean? To find the right answer, Lutheran Spirituality directs adult Bible study participants to God’s Word. Lutheran Spirituality explores the Bible, Luther’s Small Catechism, and the Lutheran hymnal as integral resources for living out our faith in a spiritually confused-and sometimes confusing-world.
Vocation is more than your occupation. Among your many callings in life, you may be a husband, a wife, a father, a mother, a son, a daughter, a friend. The rich tradition of Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions proclaims and teaches the true meaning of vocation.
Session 1: God’s Gifts through Vocation
Session 2: Faith, Love, and the Christian Life
Session 3: Spiritual Living in an Unspiritual World
Session 4: Vocation in the Christian Home
Session 5: Christianity in the Workplace
Session 6: Freedom of the Christian
Send in your family questions to or call host Andy Bates at (314) 996-1519 .