Lawn mowers, home ownership, life sunday, LWML sunday and other specialty sundays, Questions for Craig on direct revelation, legalization of marijuana.
Faith’n’Family – Journalism Careers and 8th Commandment
How does a Lutheran worldview shape one’s professional work in communications or journalism? — with guests Vicki Biggs, Melanie Ave, Erik Lunsford, and Adriane Dorr from the LCMS Newsroom.
The Bible Study – Galatians 3:1-9 “Faith or Works of the Law”
Galatians 3:1-9 “Faith or Works of the Law” with guest Rev. Dave Andrus from the Lutheran Blind Missions in St. Louis, MO
Law and Gospel – Ruminations, Gay Marriage, Eckstein’s “Bearing Their Burdens”
(1) Ruminations with Wes Reimnitz. (2) Methodist crisis over Gay Marriage. (3) Eckstein’s book on “Bearing Their Burdens.” (4) Need public debate between two sides.
His Time – Lutheran Senior Services, Little Bit of Heaven, Jesus heals a sick Child
(1) Jane Wilke talks about Lutheran Senior Services, (2) Pastor Randy Wilken and Candice Goeggel talk about Little Bit of Haven, and (3) Rev. Berton Greenway looks at John 4:46-54 and gives today’s sermonette.