Faith’n’Family – Post-abortion Issues

With guest Ed Szeto and Becky Rogness.

The Bible Study – Psalms 8 “How Majestic is Your Name”

Psalms 8 “How Majestic is Your Name” with guest Rev. Ingo Dutzmann of First Lutheran Church in Boston, MA.

Law and Gospel – Pope and Saints, Baptism, Miracle at Fatima

(1) Insight on popes to become saints? (2) All baptized Christians are saints. (3) Caller: Miracle at Fatima. (4) Caller: Other religions have saints. (5) Caller: Colossians 2:12. (6) Caller: 1 Thessalonians 5:19-22.

His Time – Lutheran Heritage Foundation, Theological Reflection, Jesus Calls His First Disciples

(1) Rev. Matthew Heise talks about Lutheran Heritage Foundation, (2) Rev. Dr. David Schmitt talks about the two-day Theological Reflection, and (3) Rev. David Kaiser looks at Luke 5:1-16 and gives today’s sermonette.

The Bible Study – Psalms 7 “In You Do I Take Refuge”

Psalms 7 “In You Do I Take Refuge” with guest Rev. Ryan Fehrmann of Grace Lutheran Church in Paris, IL.

Law and Gospel – Ruminations, Hymn Analysis, Monkey’s Paw

(1) Ruminations with Mark Smith. (2) Hymn: “With High Delight Let Us United.” (3) Spoke of Monkey’s Paw.

His Time – Trip to the Holy Land, Rural and Small Town Missions, Jesus Drives out Impure Spirits

(1) Rev. Nabil Nour talks about his trip to the Holy Land, (2) Rev. Todd Kolbaum talks about Rural and Small Town Missions, (3) Rev. Joel Fritsche looks at Luke 4:31-44 and (4) Rev. Jonathan Schultz gives today’s sermonette.

Cross Defense – The Apologetics of the book ‘If I Had Lunch with CS Lewis’ by Alistair McGrath

With guest Dr. Steven P. Mueller, Professor of Theology at Concordia University Irvine and author of ‘Not a Tame God: Christ in the Writing of CS Lewis’.

The Bible Study – Psalms 6 “O Lord, Deliver My Life”

Psalms 6 “O Lord, Deliver My Life” with guest Rev. Dave Boisclair of Faith/Bethesda Lutheran Church in No. St. Louis County, MO.