Law and Gospel – 3rd Sunday after Easter, Repentance, Children who are not Baptized

(1) 3rd Sunday of Easter: Acts 2:37-38. (2) Is repentance our work? (3) Caller: Children who are not baptized?

His Time – John the Steadfast, Christian Bioethics, The Scripture Fulfilled

(1) Rev. Joshua Scheer talks about the Brothers of John the Steadfast, (2) Dr. Bob Weise talks about Christian Bioethics, and (3) Rev. Elliot Robertson looks at Luke 4:16-30 and gives today’s sermonette.

Sharathon 2014

KFUO’s Annual Fundraising Event takes place for 3 days from April 24-26. Tune in and join in the fun!

The Bible Study – Good Friday Roundtable Discussion

A special two-hour Good Friday Roundtable Discussion.

Faith’n’Family – Design of the Human Body

Design of the Human Body — with guest Rev. Dr. Kevin Voss

The Bible Study – Psalms 5 “Lead Me in Your Righteousness”

Psalms 5 “Lead Me in Your Righteousness” with guest Rev. Mark Hawkinson, Host: Moments of Assurance

Law and Gospel – Ruminations, Churches in England, Gay Marriage, Liberalism of Clergy

(1) Ruminations and Open Mike with Wes Remnitz. (2) Why churches in England are empty. (3) Archbishop of Canterbury says backing gay marriage will lead to violence against Christians. (4) Caller: The liberalism of clergy today.

His Time – Lutheran Malaria Initiative, A Call to Persevere in Faith

(1) Martha Mitkos talks about the Lutheran Malaria Initiative, and (2) Rev. Greg Fairow looks at Hebrews 10:19-39 and gives today’s sermonette.

Faith’n’Family – Orphan Grain Train

With guests Mike Widhalm, Blake Tilley, and Ann Dauer.

The Bible Study – Psalms 4 “Answer Me When I Call”

Psalms 4 “Answer Me When I Call” with guest Rev. John Lukomski of St Paul/Trinity Lutheran Church in Southern Illinois.