1 Corinthians 13 “The Greatest is Love” with guest Rev. Stephen Hower of St. John Lutheran Church in Ellisville, MO.
Law and Gospel – Open Mike, Small Catechism, Enoch, Laws of Thermodynamic
(1) Open Mike. (2) Why does Small Catechism speak of accepting Jesus? (3) Caller: Enoch. (4) Caller: Laws of thermodynamics.
His Time – John the Steadfast, Christian Bioethics, Gethsemane
(1) Rev. Joshua Scheer talks about the Brothers of John the Steadfast, (2) Dr. Bob Weise talks about Christian Bioethics, (3) Rev. Timothy Fitzner looks at Mark 14:32-52 and gives today’s sermonette.
His Time – Bach at the Sem, Creation Club, The Day and Hour Unknown
(1) Dr. Jeffrey Wilson talks about Bach at the Sem, (2) Rev. Warren Woerth talks on Creation Club, and (3) Rev. Matt Wood looks at Mark 13:24-37 and gives today’s sermonette.
The God Whisperers
Hear what Rev. Craig Donofrio and Rev. Bill Cwirla are talking about today!
Faith’n’Family – American College of Pediatricians and Preview of April 2014 Lutheran Witness
With guests Dr. Michelle Cretella, Rev. Mark Jasa and Dr. Andrea Pitkus.
The Bible Study – 1 Corinthians 12:12-33 “Unity and Diversity in the Body”
1 Corinthians 12:12-33 “Unity and Diversity in the Body” with guest Rev. Curtis Deterding of Trinity Lutheran Church in Fergus Falls, MN.
Law and Gospel – Ruminations, East Germany, Atheists, Women Ordination, Communion without Knowledge
(1) Ruminations with Wes Reimnitz. (2) In East Germany 7 out of 10 are atheists. (3) Caller: Women ordination. (4) Caller: Take communion without knowledge. (5) Caller: William Weinrich. (6) Caller: Religion and ethics.
His Time – Lutheran Senior Services, Signs of the End Times
(1) Jane Wilke talks about Lutheran Senior Services, and (2) Rev. Keith Beasley looks at Mark 13:1-23 and gives today’s sermonette.
Moments of Assurance — Interview with Rev. Nabil Nour
Rev. Mark Hawkinson has a special interview with Rev. Nabil Nour.