The Questionable Life.
Faith’n’Family – June/July 2014 Lutheran Witness Preview
June/July 2014 Lutheran Witness Preview Audio File Adriane Heins, Managing Editor of the Lutheran Witness discusses the June/July issue and the topic of persecution. Contributors Rev. Randy Golter and Deaconess Elizabeth Ahlman also discuss the topic of the persecution…
The Bible Study – Psalm 35 “Great is the Lord”
Psalm 35 “Great is the Lord” with guest Rev. Matt Roeglin of Blessed Savior Lutheran Church in Florissant, MO.
Law and Gospel – Open Mike, Confirmation, Building the Ark, Best of Your Ability, Lord of Hosts
(1) Open Mike. (2) Email: Decisions made by confirmands? (3) Years taken to build the ark. (4) Caller: Do the best of your ability? (5) Caller: What is meant by “Lord of hosts”?
His Time – Creation Club, Taxes to Caesar
(1) Rev. Warren Woerth Talk on Creation Club, and (2) Rev. David Nehrenz looks at Luke 20:19-44 and gives today’s sermonette.
Faith’n’Family – Deliver us from Evil
Deliver us from Evil Audio File Rev. Daniel Hinton, Trinity Lutheran Church & School, Cheyenne, WY helps us pray “deliver us from evil” by addressing questions children and parents have concerning evil and God’s mercy. Send in your…
Law and Gospel – Ruminations, Stewardship, Improper Stewardship Practices
(1) Ruminations with Wes Reimnitz. (2) Stewardship. (3) What is meant by God loving a cheerful giver? (4) Improper stewardship practices. (5) Involves vocation. (6) Caller: Joseph and managerial (stewardship) skills.
Faith’n’Family – Praying in the Midst of Cancer
Praying in the Midst of Cancer and Confessing Christ in a Contrary Culture Audio File Segment 1: The Lord’s Prayer teaches to pray , “deliver us from evil.” How do we pray this when facing cancer? Karen Tripp, President,…