The Bible Study – Psalm 75 “God Will Judge with Equity”

Psalm 75 “God Will Judge with Equity” with guest Rev. Wally Vinovskis of Concordia Lutheran Church in Macungie, PA.

Law and Gospel – Open Mike, Mortal v. Venial Sins, Salvation

(1) Open Mike. (2) Difference between mortal and venial sins. (3) Caller: Sermons with Law and Gospel. (4) Caller: Is faith required for salvation?

His Time – KARE-9 Program, Creation Club, Paul’s Defense before Agrippa

(1) Tim Hetzner talks about a new program of Lutheran Church Charities, (2) Rev. Warren Woerth talks on Creation Club, and (3) Rev. Gary Dehnke looks at Acts 26:1-23 and gives today’s sermonette.