Thy Strong Word – Romans 9 “God’s Sovereign Choice”

Romans 9 “God’s Sovereign Choice” with guest Rev. Kevin Parviz of the Congregation Chai v’Shalom in St. Louis, MO.

Faith’n’Family – American Heritage Girls 19th Birthday and National Day of Service

With guests Patti Garibay, Rev. Mark Kiessling, Lori Buck, and Jody Token.

Law and Gospel – Open Mike, Laying on of Hands, Gambling, Passover

(1) Open Mike. (2) Caller: Laying on of hands. (3) Caller: Stocks or lottery gambling? (4) Caller: Passover question. (5) Caller: Can you pray for a wife?

His Time – Hymn Festival, Creation Club, Pray for All People

(1) Rev. Michael Costello talks on the upcoming hymn festival, (2) Rev. Warren Woerth talks on Creation Club, (3) Rev. Kent Schnegelberger looks at 1 Timothy 2:1-15 and gives today’s sermonette.