Ecclesiastes 4 “Evil Under the Sun” with guest Rev. David Juhl of Our Savior Lutheran Church in Momence, IL,
Faith’n’Family – Pop Culture and the Satanic Arts
Guests Rev. Ross Johnson and Rev. Dr. John Dreyer discuss the movie Ouija and other pop culture media that invite youth to dabble in the satanic arts.
Law and Gospel – Open Mike, All Saints Day
(1) Open Mike Friday. (2) All Saints Day (3) Caller: Russian Orthodox church. (4) Caller: Christians who have mental illness. (5) Caller: Stick with faith that endures.
His Time – Ministry of Good Shepherd, Creation Club, Jesus Foretells His Death a Third Time
(1) Rev. Warren Woerth talks about the Ministry at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Arnold, MO, (2) Rev. Warren Woerth talks on Creation Club, and (3) Rev. Warren Woerth looks at Matthew 20:17-34 and gives today’s sermonette.
Thy Strong Word – Ecclesiastes 3 “A Time for Everything”
Ecclesiastes 3 “A Time for Everything” with guest Rev. Dr. Victor Raj of Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, MO.
Faith’n’Family – The State of the Synod, Marriage, and College Students
With guests Rev. Herb Mueller, Rev. Marcus Zill, and Rev. Tom Eckstein.
Law and Gospel – Ruminations, Houston, Hate Speech
(1) Ruminations with Wes Reimnitz. (2) LCMS pastors need not be in agreement in all things. (3) Casuistry. (4) Houston demands sermons. (5) Caller: About hate speech. (6) Isaac and Esau.
His Time – Lutheran Senior Services, Ministry of Light of Christ Church, Laborers in the Vineyard
(1) Jane Wilketalks about Lutheran Senior Services, (2) Becky Shaw talks about the Ministry at Light of Christ Church, and (3) Rev. Scott Snow looks at Matthew 20:1-16 and gives today’s sermonette.
Thy Strong Word – Ecclesiastes 2 “The Vanity of Self-Indulgence”
Ecclesiastes 2 “The Vanity of Self-Indulgence” with guest Rev. George Murdaugh of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Douglasville, GA.
Faith’n’Family – Redeemer Luthearn School Gardens
With guests Andy Benscoter, Principal and Danna Keyburn, Science Enrichment Teacher at Redeemer Lutheran School, Austin, TX.