His Time – Air Force Ministry, Creation Club, Messengers from John the Baptist

(1) Chaplain (Maj) Jim Buckman and Deac. Carolyn Brinkley talks about the ministry to the Air Force, (2) Rev. Warren Woerth talks on Creation Club, (3) Rev. Pete Scheele looks at Matthew 11:1-19 and gives today’s sermonette.

Thy Strong Word – Hebrews 7 “The Priestly Order of Melchizedek”

Hebrews 7 “The Priestly Order of Melchizedek” with guest Todd Wilken, host of Issues, Etc.

Law and Gospel – Ruminations, Reluctance to Preach the Law

(1) Ruminations with Wes Reimnitz. (2) Caller: Reluctance to preach the Law. (3) Caller: Know your works.

His Time – Lutheran Senior Services, Prayer and Praise Walk, “Have No Fear”

(1) Jane Wilketalks about Lutheran Senior Services, (2) Nicole Ridley talks about Prayer and Praise Walk, and (3) Rev. Kirk Clayton looks at Matthew 10:24-42 and gives today’s sermonette.

Thy Strong Word – Hebrews 6 “The Certainty of God’s Promise”

Hebrews 6 “The Certainty of God’s Promise” with guest Rev. John Shank of Trinity Lutheran Church in Edwardsville, IL.

Law and Gospel – Insights from Heidelberg Disputation, Mormonism

(1) Insights from the Heidelberg Disputation how a good law can be dangerous for one’s salvation. (2) Caller: Mormonism.

His Time – Lutheran Church Extension Fund, Witness Wednesday, Jesus Sends Out the Twelve Apostles

(1) Rev. Max Biesenthal talks about LCEF, (2) Rev. Mark Wood talk about Witness Wednesday, and (3) Rev. Ingo Dutzmann looks at Matthew 10:1-23 and gives today’s sermonette.

Thy Strong Word – Hebrews 5 “Warning Against Apostasy”

Hebrews 5 “Warning Against Apostasy” with guest Rev. Nate Ruback of Grace Chapel Lutheran Church in Bellefontaine, MO.