His Time – The Gospel Printed in Different Languages, The New Jerusalem

(1) Matt Heise and Jeff Rahn talk about Lutheran Heritage Foundation, and (2) Rev. Todd Wilkins looks at Revelation 21:9-27 and gives today’s sermonette.

Thy Strong Word – Mark 8 “Jesus Feeds the Four Thousand”

Mark 8 “Jesus Feeds the Four Thousand” with guest Rev. David Boisclair of Faith/Bethesda Lutheran Churches in North St. Louis County, MO.

Faith’n’Family – 90 Day Special

Guest Host Rod Zwonitzer talks with Mark Hawkinson and Tim Hetzner, President of Lutheran Church Charities, on KFUO memories.

Law and Gospel – 1st Sunday in Advent, Day of Judgement, Humiliation and Exaltation

(1) 1st Sunday in Advent: Mark 13:32. (2) Even Jesus does not know the time of the Day of Judgment? (3) Difference between His humiliation and exaltation (Philippians 2).

His Time – Christian Bioethics, The New Heaven and the New Earth

(1) Rev. Bob Weise talks about Christian Bioethics, and (2) Rev. Mark Friedrich looks at Revelation 21:1-8 and gives today’s sermonette.

Thy Strong Word – Mark 7 “Traditions and Commandments”

Mark 7 “Traditions and Commandments” with guest Rev. Kevin Parviz of the Congregation Chai v’Shalom in St. Louis, MO.

Faith’n’Family – The Homelanders Generation & Dads, Kids, and Horseplay

With guests Cassie Moore and Christopher Brown.