How do Jail Chaplains serve the incarcerated and their families with the Gospel of Jesus? with guest Vince Stanley, Humanitri Chaplain, St. Louis County Justice Center.
The Bible Study – Song of Songs Ch. 5 “Together in the Garden of Love”
Song of Songs Ch. 5 “Together in the Garden of Love” with guest Rev. John Shank of Trinity Lutheran Church in Edwardsville, Illinois.
Faith’n’Family – Parents and Children
What is “vocation”? And what does it have to do with being a family? — with guest Pastor Chad Hoover of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Kalaska, Michigan.
The Bible Study – Song of Songs Ch. 4 “Solomon Admires His Bride’s Beauty”
Song of Solomon — Chapter 4 “Solomon Admires His Bride’s Beauty” — with guest Rev. Kurt Taylor of St. John’s Lutheran Church in Waltz, Michigan.
His Time – Upcoming Lutheran Symposiums, Paul Longs to Visit Rome
(1) Dr. David Scaer talks on the upcoming Lutheran Symposiums, and (2) Rev. John Larson looks at Romans 1:1-17 and gives today’s sermonette.
Cross Defense – The Necessity of Pre-College Apologetics
The Necessity of Pre-College Apologetics with guest Rev. Marcus Zill, the Coordinator of LCMS U. Campus Ministry, and Campus Pastor at University of Wyoming.
The Bible Study – Song of Songs Ch. 3 “The Bride’s Dream”
Song of Solomon Chapter 3 “The Bride’s Dream” with guest Rev. Matt Clark of Ascension Lutheran Church in South St. Louis, Missouri.
His Time – John the Steadfast, Baptism and Genealogy of Jesus
(1) Rev. Joshua Scheer talks about the Brotherhood of John the Steadfast, and (2) Rev. Douglas DeWitt looks at Luke 3:21-38 and gives today’s sermonette.
Concord Matters – Paragraphs 19-21 of Preface to Book of Concord
Paragraphs 19-21 of Preface to Book of Concord with guests Rev. Dr. Kevin Golden of Village Lutheran Church in Ladue, Missouri, and Scott Diekmann, Layperson from Seattle, Washington.