His Time – John the Steadfast, Christian Bioethics, Jesus Before Pilate

(1) Rev. Joshua Scheer talks about the Brothers of John the Steadfast, (2) Rev. Bob Weise talks about Christian Bioethics, (3) Rev. Stanish Stanley looks at Matthew 27:11-32 and (4) Rev. Denis Huelle gives today’s sermonette.

Thy Strong Word – Mark 2 “Jesus Heals a Paralytic”

Mark 2 “Jesus Heals a Paralytic” with guests Rev. Michael Walther and Scott Adle from Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Collinsville, IL.

Faith’n’Family – 90 Days Special

Guest Host Rod Zwonitzer and Rev. Nabil Nour, pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church in Armour, South Dakota and 5th Vice President of LCMS (also a regular guest on Thy Strong Word), talk about KFUO’s history and 90th anniversary celebration.

Law and Gospel – Open Mike, T-shirt, Jesus’ brothers and sisters

(1) Open Mike Friday. (2) Free T-shirt. (3) Caller: Jesus’ brothers and sisters? (4) Caller: Use Lord’s name in vain. (5) Caller: Purgatory.

His Time – Stress During the Holidays, Creation Club, Jesus Prays in Gethsemane

(1) Dr. Jack Fyans talks about handling stress during the holidays , (2) Rev. Warren Woerth talks on Creation Club, and (3) Rev. Robert Riggs looks at Matthew 26:36-56 and gives today’s sermonette.

Thy Strong Word – Mark Chapter 1 “John the Baptist Prepares the Way”

Mark Chapter 1 “John the Baptist Prepares the Way” with guest Rev. Bart Day, Exec. Dir. of National Missions, LCMS.

Faith’n’Family – 90 Days Special

Guest Host Rod Z & Dr. Herb Mueller, 1st VP of LCMS & Rev. Victor Belton, Pastor – Peace L C in Decatur, Georgia, and a member of the LCMS Board of Directors on KFUO past, present and future.

Law and Gospel – Ruminations, T-shirts, Sarah and Hagar

(1) Ruminations with Wes Reimnitz. (2) Free T-shirt to be caller. (3) The Two covenants. (4) Caller: The 2 mountains of Sarah and Hagar. (5) Caller: Faith comes from the Holy Spirit.