(1) Open Mike. (2) Caller: Appreciate your program. (3) Caller: How to pray in the name of Jesus. (4) Caller: Sons of the devil (John 8:44). (5) Caller: Isis children martyred. (6) Caller Order of the Gospels. (7) Caller: Death can come tonight.
His Time – Earthquakes in Napa, Creation Club, The Temptation of Jesus
(1) Rev. Michael Schmid talks about earthquakes in Napa, California, (2) Rev. Warren Woerth talks on Creation Club, (3) Rev. Jason Neel looks at Matthew 4:1-11 and gives today’s sermonette.
Thy Strong Word – Romans 13 “Submission to the Authorities”
Romans 13 “Submission to the Authorities” with guest Rev. Thomas Handrick of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Perryville, MO.
Law and Gospel – Ruminations, Religion in Politics, Liberal Attitude, Blasphemy
(1) Ruminations with Wes Reimnitz. (2) More people want religion back in politics. (3) Caller: Liberal attitude toward God. (4) Caller: God’s name is blasphemy among the Gentiles.
His Time – Lutheran Senior Services, Childhood Obesity, Church Calendar, John the Baptist Prepares the Way
(1) Jane Wilketalks about Lutheran Senior Services, (2) Laura Morton talks about Childhood Obesity, (3) Rev. Kevin Parviz talks about the Bible Feasts, and (4) Rev. Eddie Scheler looks at Matthew 3:1-17 and gives today’s sermonette.
Thy Strong Word – Romans 12 ” A Living Sacrafice”
Romans 12 ” A Living Sacrafice” with guest Rev. Mark Hawkinson, Host of Moments of Assurance.
Law and Gospel – Parable Meanings, Atonement
(1) The “true” meaning of 4 parables? (2) Caller: Jews here and now. (3) Caller: Can we say that she believes in the atonement?
His Time – Deaf Northern Wisconsin, New KFUO Program, Witness Wednesday, Fight the Good Fight of Faith
(1) Pastor Bill Knaack talks about being a Missionary to the Deaf Northern Wisconsin, (2) Rev. Zwonitzer talks about a new KFUO program, (3) Rev. Mark Wood talk about Witness Wednesday, and (4) Rev. Michael Wenzel looks at 1 Timothy 6:3-21 and gives today’s sermonette.