Law and Gospel

Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel.

His Time – LESA Dinner Auction, The Full Assurance of Faith

(1) Sue Nahmensen, Gene Lehr, and Tori Stuart talk about the upcoming LESA Dinner Auction, and (2) Rev. Gordon Smith looks at Hebrews 10:19-39 and gives today’s sermonette.

Thy Strong Word – Genesis 16 “Sarai and Hagar”

Genesis 16 “Sarai and Hagar” with guest Rev. David Beagley of Memorial Lutheran Church & Student Center in Ames, IA.

Law and Gospel

Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel.

His Time – The Concordia Promise, Christ’s Sacrifice Once for All

(1) Rev. Dr. Patrick Ferry talks about “The Concordia Promise” and (2) Rev. Scott Johnson looks at Hebrews 10:1-18and gives today’s sermonette.

Cross Defense – Apologetics Bootcamp 101

With guests Craig Parton and John Warwick Montgomery.

Thy Strong Word – Genesis 15 “God’s Covenant with Abram”

Genesis 15 “God’s Covenant with Abram” with guest Rev. Jeffrey Ries of Zion Lutheran Church in Tacoma, WA.

Faith’n’Family – Josh Jank/Joshua Jing

With the Jank and Moreno families as guests.

Law and Gospel

Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel.