Acts 23 “Paul Before the Council” with guest Rev. George Murdaugh of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Douglasville, GA.
Faith’n’Family – Death with Dignity
Maggie Karner, Director of LCMS Life & Health Ministries and cancer patient discusses Physician Assisted Death and the viral story of Brittany Maynard.
Concord Matters – Completion of the Preface
Today we finish talking about the preface. Luther exhorts to study God’s Word and the Catechism daily until we are smarter than God.
His Time – Alaska Mission for Christ, Peter and Cornelius
(1) Todd Roeske talks about Alaska Mission for Christ, and (2) Rev. Mark Femmel looks at Acts 10:1-17 and Rev. Michael Bagnall gives today’s sermonette.
Cross Defense – Apologetic of Infant Baptism to Those Who Don’t
Today we talk about how opponents to Infant Baptism typically hold Platonic inclinations towards Baptism; synergism vs. monergism; Material vs. Spiritual; Outside of us vs. Inside of us; the dilemma of Believer’s Baptism vs. The Comfort of Sacramental Baptism.
Thy Strong Word – Acts 22 “Paul Speaks to the People”
Acts 22 “Paul Speaks to the People” with guest Rev. Victor Raj, Prof. of Exegetical Theology at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, MO.
Faith’n’Family – Round Table Discussion on SCOTUS Ruling Legalizing Gay Marriage
Today we talk about the impact of the SCOTUS ruling legalizing gay marriage and its potential impact on the Missouri Synod.
His Time – 2016 Synodical Budget, Saul Escapes from Damascus
(1) Jerry Wulf talks about the 2016 Synodical Budget, and (2) Rev. Jordan McKinley looks at Acts 9:23-43 and gives today’s sermonette.