Thy Strong Word – Acts 19 “Paul in Ephesus”

Acts 19 “Paul in Ephesus” with guest Rev. Mark Hawkinson, host of Moments of Assurance.

Faith’n’Family – Kare-9 Military Ministry and Movie Review: Jurassic World

With guests Tim Hetzner, Jim Morrison, and Rev. Chad Hoover.

Law and Gospel

Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel.

His Time – LeadAChild Ministry, Witness Wednesday, Jesus Appears to the Disciples

(1) Joe Harwell & Rev Jeremy Klastuermeier talks about LeadAChild, and (2) Rev. Mark Wood joins us for Witness Wednesday, and (3) Rev. Paul Undlin looks at John 20:19-31 and gives today’s sermonette.

Thy Strong Word – Acts 18 “Paul in Corinth”

Acts 18 “Paul in Corinth” with guest Rev. John Lukomski of St. Paul/Trinity Lutheran Churches in Southern Illinois.

Faith’n’Family – Infertility Symposium

With guest Katie Schuermann.

Concord Matters – Large Catechism – Why Luther wrote the Large Catechism

Today, we review the longer Preface to The Large Catechism and look at the reasons why Luther wrote this marvelous work and it is still needed today.

Law and Gospel

Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel.

His Time – LCMS Missions, The Resurrection

(1) Rev. Kevin Robson talks about LCMS Missions, and (2) Rev. Gregory Sawyer looks at John 20:1-18 and gives today’s sermonette.

Cross Defense – The Apologetic of Including the Gospel in Apologetics

Host Rev. Rod Zwonitzer talks with guest Andy Wrasman (