With guests Karen Tripp, Rev. Craig Donofrio, Rev. Mark Zill, and Rev. Mark Jasa.
Law and Gospel – Ruminations, Hymn Study, Epiphany and Baptism Hymn
(1) Ruminations with Mark Smith. (2) Epiphany hymn: “O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright.” (3) Baptism hymn: “To Jordan Came the Christ, our Lord.
His Time – Messiah Lutheran Church, The Genealogy of Jesus Christ
(1) Rev. Peter Ledic talks about their history and ministry at Messiah Lutheran Church, and (2) Rev. Stanish Stanley looks at Luke 3:21-38.
Thy Strong Word – Revelation 9 “The Seven Trumpets”
Revelation 9 “The Seven Trumpets” with guest Rev. Matt Clark of Ascension Lutheran Church in South St. Louis, MO.
Faith’n’Family – Lutheran Witness, College, BookTalk
With guests Adriane Heins, Rev. Jonathon Bakker, and Rev. Rod Zwonitzer.
Law and Gospel – Baptism of our Lord, Holy Spirit and Voice from Heaven
(1) Baptism of our Lord: Mark 1:4-11. (2) The Holy Spirit. (3) Voice from heaven. (4) Reason Jesus was baptized.
His Time – Christian Bioethics, John the Baptist Prepares the Way
(1) Rev. Bob Weise talks about Christian Bioethics, and (2) Rev. Tod Shouse looks at Luke 3:1-20.
Concord Matters – Augsburg Confession: Articles XIX: The Cause of Sin and XX: Good Works
With guests Pastor Adam Douthwaite/Our Redeemer Lutheran, Dallas, Texas and Pastor Paul Landgraf/Pilgrim Lutheran, Limm and St. John’s, Owensville, Missouri.