Faith’n’Family – Advent Activities for Families

Home educators, Amanda Markel and Jackie Meyer return to Faith & Family to share their ideas for family activities during Advent.

Law and Gospel

Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel.

His Time – KFUO’s Day Sponsor Rally Week, Witness Wednesday, The Death of Jesus

(1) , and (2) Rev. Mark Wood joins us for Witness Wednesday, and (3) Rev. Derek Waffel looks at Matthew 27:33-56 and gives today’s sermonette.

Thy Strong Word – Isaiah 11 “The Righteous Reign of the Branch”

Isaiah 11 “The Righteous Reign of the Branch” with guest Rev. Kevin Parviz of the Congregation Chai v’Shalom in St. Louis, MO.

Faith’n’Family – Life After Disaster: the New Minden Tornado

One year after a tornado devastated the community of New Minden,IL, Rev. Timothy Mueller and Ray and Eunice Hausler from St. John, New Minden, IL and Edie Grote, from Trinity Lutheran Church, Hoyleton, IL discuss their stories of that day and the Hand of Providence in the recovery and rebuilding.

Law and Gospel

Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel.

His Time – Remembering the New Minden Tornado, Jesus Before Pilate

(1)Rev. Tim Mueller remembers the New Minden Tornado, and (2) Rev. Tim Mueller looks at Matthew 27:11-32 and gives today’s sermonette.

Cross Defense – The Apologetic of Jesus’ Miracles

Can the Gospel miracles be proven? Can/should they be explained away naturalistically? Do they matter? What was Jesus’ most common miracle?

Thy Strong Word – Isaiah 10 “Judgement on Arrogant Assyria”

Isaiah 10 “Judgement on Arrogant Assyria” with guest Rev. Michael Meyer, Manager of the LCMS Disaster Response.