The Apologetic of The Intersection of Science and Theology
Thy Strong Word – Colossians 3 “Put on the New Self”
Colossians 3 “Put on the New Self” with guest Rev. Nathan Meador of St. John Lutheran Church in Plymouth, WI.
Faith’n’Family – Live Broadcast from Lutheran High School North
Lutheran High School North, St. Louis celebrates a 50 year anniversary.
His Time – Christian Bioethics, Some Will Depart from the Faith
(1) Dr. Bob Weise talks about Christian Bioethics, and (2) Rev. Michael Mattil looks at 1 Timothy 4:1-16 and gives today’s sermonette.
Wrestling With the Basics – Favorite Bible Passage #1: Ephesians 2:8-9
With hosts Rev. Matt Clark and Rev. John Lukomski.
Thy Strong Word – Colossians 2 “Alive in Christ”
Colossians 2 “Alive in Christ” with guest Rev. Michael Meyer, Manager of Disaster Response LCMS.
Faith’n’Family – Exemplary Lutheran Schools and Home School Partnerships
Exemplary Lutheran Schools and Home School Partnerships