Cross Defense – The Apologetic of the First Amendment

Today’s topic: how the First Amendment interacts with our exercise of religion in the United States as well as the exercise and practice of other religions in the United States, including Mormonism and Islam. With guest Craig Parton.

Thy Strong Word – Proverbs 23: When You Sit Down to Eat With a Ruler

Proverbs 23: “When You Sit Down to Eat With a Ruler” with guest Rev. Matt Wood from Concordia Lutheran Church, Maplewood, Missouri.

Faith’n’Family – Chinese Culture

With guests Rev. Shaw and Becky Shaw.

Law and Gospel – Sunday’s Lectionary

Pastor Baker discusses the readings for the upcoming Sunday.

His Time – Christian Bioethics, “My Kingdom is Not of This World”

(1) Dr. Bob Weise talks about Christian Bioethics, and (2) Rev. Rodney Bitely looks at John 18:15-40 and gives today’s sermonette.