The Lord’s Prayer in the Large Catechism – Fifth Petition.
Thy Strong Word – Proverbs 29: He Who is Often Reproved, Yet Stiffens His Neck
Proverbs 29: “He Who is Often Reproved, Yet Stiffens His Neck” with guest Rev. George Lobien from Lakeside Lutheran Church in Venice & Trinity Lutheran Church in Englewood, Florida.
Faith’n’Family – Adoption and Baptism: Dcs. Sandy Bowers and Family
With guests Deaconess Sandy Bowers and Rev. William Weedon.
Law and Gospel – Sunday’s Hymn of the Day
Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel regarding Sunday’s Hymn of the Day, LSB 533, with guest Rev. Mark Smith.
His Time – Faith and Writing Workshop with Rev. Travis Scholl, “The Conversion of Saul”
(1) Rev. Travis Scholl on the Faith and Writing Workshop and the Concordia Journal, and (2) Rev. Mark Christensen looks at Acts 9:1-22 and gives today’s sermonette.