Proverbs 17 “Better is a Dry Morsel With Quiet…” with guest Rev. Michael Walther of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Collinsville, IL.
Faith’n’Family – The Vocations of Women: Deaconess
What is the history of deaconesses and how do they serve today?
His Time – Lutheran Hispanic Missionary Institute, Creation Club, Jesus Washes the Disciples’ Feet
(1) Rev. Richard Schlak talks about the upcoming Partners in Latino Ministry Conference (PALMCON), (2) Rev. Warren Woerth talks on Creation Club, and (3) Rev. James Driskell looks at John 13:1-20 and gives today’s sermonette.
Thy Strong Word – Proverbs 16 “The Plans of the Heart Belong to Man”
Proverbs 16 “The Plans of the Heart Belong to Man” with guest Rev. Dennis McFadden, Pastoral Asst. at Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Ft. Wayne, IN.
Faith’n’Family – Laborers for Christ: Stories from the Field
Special guests shares stories of their experiences serving churches and communities in this unique way.
His Time – Lutheran Senior Services, Historically Speaking, The Unbelief of the People
(1) Jane Wilke talks about Lutheran Senior Services, (2) Concordia Historical Institute presents Historically Speaking, and (3) Rev. James Hageman looks at John 12:36b-50 and gives today’s sermonette.
The Student Union – “Tips for Naming a Campus Ministry”
Join us as we discuss “Tips for Naming a Campus Ministry” with Paul Spanel, a lay member of Zion Lutheran Church in Columbus, OH and contact for our LCMS U chapter at The Ohio State University.
Thy Strong Word – Proverbs 15 “A Soft Answer Turns Away Wrath”
Proverbs 15 “A Soft Answer Turns Away Wrath” with guest Rev. David Andrus of St. Paul College Hill in St. Louis, MO.