Special Programming – Live from #NYG2016

With guests Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison, Rev. Kevin Robson, Megan Miessler, and Rehema Kavugha.

Thy Strong Word – 2 Peter 1: Make Your Calling and Election Sure

2 Peter 1: “Make Your Calling and Election Sure” with guest Rev. Stephen Hower from St. John’s Lutheran Church in Ellisville, Missouri.

Faith’n’Family – Live from #NYG2016

With guests Christian Schultz, David Fiala, Julianna Shults, Rev. Rich Rudowske, and Dr. Mark Blanke.

Law and Gospel – Sunday’s Lectionary

Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel regarding Sunday’s Lectionary.

His Time – Live from #NYG2016: DCE Scott Rauch, Rev. Bart Day, “Bear One Another’s Burdens”

(1) DCE Scott Rauch from Peoria, IL, (2) Rev. Bart Day, LCMS Office of National Mission, (3) Rev. Stephen Rynearson looks at Galatians 6:1-18, and (4) Rev. Randolph Schnack gives today’s sermonette.