Guests Sarah Kanoy and Shara Cunningham join us via Skype from Nairobi, Kenya, to talk about their work as missionaries in Eastern and Southern Africa. Sarah and Shara work closely with the Mercy Medical Teams that the LCMS sends to Africa to help those in need. Learn about Mercy Medical Teams at lcms.org/mercyteams.
Sarah Kanoy, RN, BSN, is Community Health Nurse and Educator – East Africa for the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. Read Sarah’s bio and find her blog at lcms.org/kanoy.
Shara Cunningham is Area Volunteer Coordinator – Eastern and Southern Africa for the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. Read Shara’s bio and learn more about her work at lcms.org/cunningham.
Send in your family questions to Family@kfuo.org or call host Andy Bates at (314) 996-1519 .