Divine Service with the Church Triumphant

With guest Cantor Paul Soulek.

Concord Matters – Special: Revisions to the Small Catechism

Special: Revisions to the Small Catechism – With host Andy Bates, DCE, and guests Rev. Dr. Joel Lehenbauer, Rev. Larry Vogel, Rev. Dr. Chuck Arand, and Rev. John Pless.

Thy Strong Word – Exodus 38: “Making the Altar of Burnt Offering”

Exodus 38: “Making the Altar of Burnt Offering” with guest Rev. Prof. David Lewis from Concordia Seminary, Saint Louis, Missouri.

Law and Gospel — Sunday’s Hymn of the Day

Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel regarding Sunday’s Hymn of the Day, LSB 677, with guest Rev. Mark Smith.

His Time – First Responder Appreciation Event, “The Triumphal Entry”

(1) First Responder Appreciation Event presented by Thrivent Financial, and (2) Rev. Stephen Reynolds looks at Matthew 21:1-22 and gives today’s sermonette.

Reflection Upon Visiting Wittenberg

With guests Rev. Bruce & Christine Keseman and Rev. Ross & Deaconess Mireya Johnson.

Role of Beer in the Reformation

With Kip Allen and Christian Boehlke.