Pro-Life January Preview

With Rev. Michael Salemink.

Liberty Conference

With Rev. Eric Andrae, Rev. Bart Day, Matthew Kelpe, and Ian Kinney.

Thy Strong Word – Romans 2: “God’s Righteous Judgment”

Romans 2: “God’s Righteous Judgment” with guest Rev. Curtis Deterding from Zion Lutheran Church in Fort Myers, Florida.

Faith’n’Family – Liberty Conference Check-In; Pro-Life January Preview

With guests Rev. Eric Andrae, Rev. Bart Day, Matthew Kelpe, Ian Kinney, and Rev. Michael Salemink.

Law and Gospel — Rumination Thursday

Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel with guest Wes Reimnitz.

His Time – Answering Listener Email, Psalm 37, “John the Baptist Prepares the Way”

(1) Rev. Jonathan Fisk answers a listener email about ecumenical thinking, (2) Rev. Jonathan Fisk meditates on Psalm 37, and (3) Rev. Luke Zimmerman looks at Luke 3:1-20 and gives today’s sermonette.