We welcome guest pastor Rev. Mark Preus from St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church and Campus Center in Laramie, Wyoming. Learn about St. Andrew’s at standrewslaramie.org. Rev. Preus and host Kip Allen dive into the following questions:
When my departed wife and current wife meet in heaven, what will happen?
Listener question from Jeff in Florida: Is communion called “communion” because Jesus’s body and blood commune with us, or that the elements commune with each other, or is it something else?
How can an alcoholic approach taking wine at communion when he’s afraid of relapsing?
What happens to the body and blood from before the Words of Institution to after the Words?
Why should we practice closed communion?
Send us your questions! Email letstalk@kfuo.org with your questions for our guest pastors.
Audio PlayerMusic for “Let’s Talk! The Pastor Is In” is Rev. Fred Baue’s rendition of “All Glory, Laud, and Honor” on his album “The Great Dance, Church Music for Guitar.” Find this album and more of Rev. Baue’s music and books, including his latest, “The Pilgrim” at PergolaPress.com.