Guest Rev. Chuck Hoffman joins us in studio to talk about serving the Lord as a career missionary with his wife and daughters in South Korea. Learn more about Rev. Hoffman, his family, and the mission work being done in South Korea at lcms.org/hoffman, and how you can serve at lcms.org/service.
Read a snippet of their bio: Rev. Chuck and Jean Hoffman serve the Lord through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) as career missionaries in South Korea. In this role, Chuck serves as the pastor at International Lutheran Church, Seoul, South Korea. He is responsible for the spiritual care and growth of the many expatriates and Korean nationals who worship at this church. He also coordinates with other LCMS missionaries and the leadership of the Lutheran Church in Korea (LCK) to develop new ministries and potential new church plants outside the city of Seoul. Together, Chuck and Jean minister to the local people in this community as they seek to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with them. Read more at lcms.org/hoffman.
Send in your family questions to Family@kfuo.org or call host Andy Bates at (314) 996-1519.