Rev. John Bombaro looks at Luke 22:47-71 and gives today’s sermonette.
His Time – Meditatio: Psalm 22, Proverbs 13, The Holy Spirit in the Creed
Rev. Jonathan Fisk meditates on Psalm 22:19-26, Proverbs 13:22, and the 3rd Article of the Apostles Creed in the Large Catechism.
Concord Matters – The Apology of the Augsburg Confession
The Apology of the Augsburg Confession in the Book of Concord – With host Rev. Jonathan Fisk and guests Rev. Sean Smith and Peter Slayton.
Thy Strong Word – 2 Samuel 8: David’s Victories
2 Samuel 8: David’s Victories with guest host Rev. David Boisclair, pastor of Faith and Bethesda Lutheran Churches in North St. Louis County, Missouri, and guest Rev. Dr. Andrew Steinmann from Concordia University Chicago in River Forest, Illinois.
Law and Gospel — Sunday’s Hymn of the Day
Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel regarding Sunday’s Hymn of the Day, LSB 498/499, with guest Rev. Mark Smith.
His Time – Daily Lectionary: Luke 22:24-46
Rev. Gaven Mize looks at Luke 22:24-46 and gives today’s sermonette.
His Time – Meditatio: Psalm 94, Proverbs 13, The Holy Spirit in the Creed
Rev. Jonathan Fisk meditates on Psalm 94:8-14, Proverbs 13:21, and the 3rd Article of the Apostles Creed in the Large Catechism.