Thy Strong Word – Looking Ahead: Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 28)

Looking Ahead: Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 28) with guest Rev. Rev. David Boisclair from Faith and Bethesda Lutheran Churches in North St. Louis County, Missouri.

Law and Gospel — Insight Wednesday

Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel regarding understanding what Bible stories mean, especially parables.

Morning Prayer Sermonette: Matthew 26:57-75

Rev. Timothy Appel gives today’s sermonette.

Sharper Iron: The Completion of All Things

Rev. Timothy Appel looks at Matthew 26:57-75.

Oratio: Create in Me a Clean Heart, O God

Rev. Jonathan Fisk meditates on Psalm 51:10-19.

Concord Matters – The Conglomerate Compadre of Capable Confessing Concordians

The Apology of the Augsburg Confession in the Book of Concord – With host Rev. Jonathan Fisk and guests Rev. Sean Smith, Rev. Peter Ill, and Peter Slayton.

Thy Strong Word – Acts 13: Barnabas and Saul Set Off

Acts 13: Barnabas and Saul Set Off with guest Rev. Rev. John Lukomski from Trinity Lutheran Church in Darmstadt & St. Paul Lutheran Church in New Athens, Illinois.