Oratio: Love.

Rev. Kenneth Bomberger gives today’s prayerful thought based on the day’s Scripture readings.

Concord Matters – What about Excommunication?

The Smalcald Articles in the Book of Concord – With host Rev. Sean Smith and guest Rev. Mark Bestul

Thy Strong Word – Daniel 8: The Greek Goat and the Little Horns of Every Age

Rev. Nabil Nour, pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Hartford, South Dakota, joins host Rev. AJ Espinosa to study Daniel 8.

News Break – Planned Parenthood loses $60 million

Tuesday, August 20, 2019 – Headlines

Daily Chapel – Rev. Dr. Steve Schave on 2 Samuel 22:26–34

http://archives.kfuo.org/mp3/Chapel/Chapel_Aug_20_2019.mp3Download Audio File Rev. Dr. Steve Schave gives today’s sermon based on 2 Samuel 22:26–34. Tune in weekdays at 10:00 a.m. CT to hear daily chapel services from the LCMS International Center. Find service information including the lectionary, hymn, and homilist…

Law and Gospel — Sunday’s Hymn of the Day: LSB 510

Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel regarding Sunday’s Hymn of the Day, LSB 510, with guest Rev. Mark Smith.

The Coffee Hour – Theological Education in Sierra Leone

Sarah talks with Rev. Doug Thompson, who serves the Lord as missionary in Sierra Leone, West Africa.

The Coffee Hour – Drive Your Tractor to Church

Sarah talks with Rev. Luke Wolters, pastor of Grace Lutheran Church in Wellsville, Missouri.

Sharper Iron & The Saga of Salvation: Moses’ Family Reunion

Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller studies Exodus 18:1-27 regarding the reunion of Moses with his family, Jethro’s confession of faith in the one true God and the future sacrifice of His Son, and Jethro’s wisdom to Moses concerning his administration of the people of Israel.