Rev. Robert Zagore gives today’s sermon based on Acts 20:1-16.
Law and Gospel — Sunday’s Lectionary: Epistle Reading
Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel regarding the Epistle reading for Sunday’s Lectionary.
The Coffee Hour – Experiencing the Holy Land
Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Dr. Nabil Nour, pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Hartford, South Dakota, and Fourth Vice President of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
The Coffee Hour – Mental Health Monday: Emotions or Knowledge?
Andy and Sarah talk with Deaconess Heidi Goehmann, LCSW.
Sharper Iron — The Day Is Surely Drawing Near: The LORD Roars
Rev. Paul Pater, pastor at Shepherd of the Ridge Lutheran Church in North Ridgeville, OH and Hope Lutheran Church in Sheffield Village, OH, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Amos 1:1-2.
Oratio: Listen for the Word of the Lord
Rev. Kenneth Bomberger gives today’s prayerful thought based on the day’s Scripture readings.
Morning Prayer Sermonette: Matthew 12:38-50
Rev. Jacob Heine gives today’s sermonette.
St. Paul’s Des Peres Bible Study – Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Hear the Bible Study from St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Des Peres, MO, from October 13, 2019.
Moments of Assurance – Urgency of Eternity (Rebroadcast)
Rev. Mark Hawkinson gives a meditation on 2 Corinthians 6:2.
Wrestling With the Basics – I’m Not Anybody’s Slave
With hosts Rev. Matt Clark and Rev. John Lukomski.