Rooted Identity
When the storms of change hit hard your sense of security and worth can crumble to the ground. This session offers truth and practical guidance that enables teens to stay rooted in their Christian faith during times of struggle or transition. Expertly facilitated by a group of teens, this session is based on a larger video-based LYF resource by Jessica Bordeleau and Micah Steiner which will be made available to participants. Life Changes, God doesn’t.

Bio: The Lutheran Youth Fellowship (LYF) Executive Team is made up of Kyra Lecakes, Dane Wolfgram, Connor Works, Justin Beemer, and Rachel Moeller. These teens were elected by youth participants to facilitate LYF leadership training events. Under the mentorship of Jessica Bordeleau they have spent the last 3 years developing their leadership skills and putting them into action as workshop facilitators and event leaders.
Youth and adult sessions recorded at the 2019 LCMS Youth Gathering in Minneapolis, Minnesota. For more information about the Gathering, visit