Developing Leadership within Youth
Have ever you heard the phrase, “youth are the church of tomorrow”? What if we equipped and enabled youth to be the church of TODAY? In this session, we will discover ways to develop and encourage students in your ministry to engage their leadership skills within. We will also discuss what it may look like to create a Student Leadership Team and enable students to use their skills in your youth ministry and congregation.

Bio: Korey graduated from Concordia, Nebraska in 2007 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Theology, emphasizing in Youth and Family Life Ministries. He has served most of his career in the area of Youth Ministry., and is currently serving as the High School Ministry Director at Christ Lutheran Church & Education Center in Overland Park, Kansas. Korey is married to Tiffany, and has three children, Tenley, Sybianna, and Korben.
Youth and adult sessions recorded at the 2019 LCMS Youth Gathering in Minneapolis, Minnesota. For more information about the Gathering, visit