Defusing the Tension: Getting to the Heart of the Abortion Debate
When you bring up the topic of abortion, it seems like everyone has an opinion, and those opinions can quickly turn into arguments and angry rhetoric. In this session, we’ll discuss how to identify the reason behind the argument and how to turn frustrating debates into a productive conversations by listening to understand. We’ll also talk about what Scripture says about life issues and how to find common ground, even when you disagree with someone.

Bio: Laura Davis Hemminger has served as the director of Y4Life, the youth and young adult program at Lutherans For Life, since 2012. She works with high school and college students from across the country, equipping them to share the Gospel through life issues. Originally from Katy, Texas, she received a bachelor’s degree in history and a master’s degree in public administration from Texas A&M University. Laura lives with her husband, Mike, in Bremerton, Washington.
Youth and adult sessions recorded at the 2019 LCMS Youth Gathering in Minneapolis, Minnesota. For more information about the Gathering, visit