The Worldwide Persecution of Christians: Can we Help Them?
In Heb. 13:3 we are told: “Continue to remember those in prison, as if you were together with them in prison.” And the apostle Paul, while in prison awaiting his own death, ended his letter to the Colossians with this very melancholy request: “Remember my chains” (4:18). Our session will focus on three goals: First, to awaken the Church to the fact of the genocide of Christians around the world. Our second goal is to awaken the Church to prayer. And our third goal is a call to action. Can we actually help save the lives of Christians around the world? Yes, if we are willing to be used by God to do so.

Bio: Pastor Gudel has been the Director of Campus Ministries at Concordia Lutheran High School (Fort Wayne) for the last 22 years, as well as being adjunct faculty at Concordia Theological Seminary. His main areas of speaking and writing are Islamic studies, comparative religions and apologetics. He is the founder and director of ministry and has spoken around the country about the worldwide persecution of Christians.
Youth and adult sessions recorded at the 2019 LCMS Youth Gathering in Minneapolis, Minnesota. For more information about the Gathering, visit