Lead like the Elite …. Let’s Go!
Being a leader can be so stinking tough! Leadership is a trait that many people desire, but what does it take to become the leader that God desires you to be? We will talk about important leadership qualities, learn what it takes to lead every day, dig into what Jesus tells us about leadership in scripture, and learn from examples of some of the greatest historical and current leaders!

Bio: Born as a baby, Raised as a man of God! Trevor Kunze loves the outdoors, ministry, and finding ways to put both of those passions together. His calling in life is to embody the teachings of Christ by sharing his love with all the people he meets. He is super pumped to meet you and he is ready to share life with you, if you’ll give him the opportunity.
Youth and adult sessions recorded at the 2019 LCMS Youth Gathering in Minneapolis, Minnesota. For more information about the Gathering, visit www.lcmsgathering.com.