Generation Z: The Last Generation
Say hello to Generation Z, our last generation!? We are beginning to understand this youngest generation and how they are changing culture, the world, and our church. Come find practical, data driven ways to prepare your ministry to retain and support the faith of these children and teens on the cusp of young adulthood?

Bio: Julianna Shults is a DCE who serves LCMS Youth Ministry as Program Manager for Lutheran Young Adult Corps. She served congregations in Florida and Chicago for 11 years before moving to St. Louis. She has a BA in Psychology and a Masters in Community Development. Julianna is passionate about helping teens and young adults share the Gospel through leadership and service. Julianna is a self-proclaimed nerd and obsessive aunt.
Youth and adult sessions recorded at the 2019 LCMS Youth Gathering in Minneapolis, Minnesota. For more information about the Gathering, visit